Saturday 6 August 2016



  • offensively self-assertive: a bumptious young upstart.

Friday 5 August 2016



Definition of Paronomasia

Paronomasia is a rhetorical device which can be defined as a phrase intentionally used to exploit the confusion between words having similar sounds but different meanings. It is like a word play and is also known as a pun.

Types of Paronomasia

There are two types of paronomasia that are:

Typographic Paronomasia

Typographic paronomasia is further classified into five categories:
  • Homophonic – The use of words that sound the same and have different meanings such as “pourout corruption’s slag from every pore….”
  • Homographic – The words that are spelt the same but have different meanings such as “David doesn’t feel well today” and “My uncle is digging a new well….”
  • Homonymic – These words include both homographs and homophones.
  • Compound – These contain two or more puns in a sentence.
  • Recursive – In these, the second part of a pun depends upon the meaning of the first.

Visual Paronomasia

These are actually puns and used in non-phonetic texts. Visual paronomasia includes the “4 Pics 1 Word” word game where players are supposed to look at four pictures and guess the word that they are in common.

Origin of paronomasia
Paronomasia is a borrowing from Latin and can be traced to the Greekparonomázein meaning "to make a slight name-change." It entered English in the late 1500s



Definitions for aesthete

  1. a person who has or professes to have refined sensitivity toward the beauties of art or nature.
  2. a person who affects great love of art, music, poetry, etc., and indifference to practical matters.

  Aesthete finds its roots in the Greek aisthánesthai meaning "to perceive." It entered English in the late 1800s.

Use Aesthete in a sentence
The aesthete obtained box tickets to the opera.
The art museum invited many art lovers to the opening, including a local aesthete.
The job description for curator called for applications who were considered to be an aesthete.
Because he liked to go the theater on the weekends, our teacher called himself an aesthete.
An aesthete frequented the coffee shop near the theater district.